Rams Blitz: Building Young Leaders & Opening Eyes

Apr 8, 2015

When asked how to change the world we often times respond with the basic answers of end hunger, help the poor, end domestic violence, and world peace. However, the problem with the world we live in is that we refrain to recognize the smaller issues that are in our everyday lives. That is where the change must take place in order to change the world we live in. We must open our eyes to the stereotypes, bullying, and social differences.  Before Rams Blitz we were all just students with the common goal of growing as leaders and being able to make a difference, but we didn’t know how. On that first day we didn’t know what to expect other than the fact that Lindbergh and McCluer North would be partnering to build leaders and come together as one. Even though most of us would not admit, we all had our own stereotypes about each other. That is okay though because before we could impact other people’s lives we had to first recognize our own flaws. The most enriching experience for me was our gathering at McCluer North when we thought of ideas of how to change our schools. In that moment we were no longer students wanting to make a difference, we were students making a difference. Even though many of our ideas would never happen due to implications within the school or the idea itself, our minds were moving. We were taking everything we learned thus far in the program and applying it to our ideas/programs. That is what it takes to change our society. A society that settles for what we are given and are too afraid to be the change that we want to be. We all must start somewhere, and on that day we chose to become the change that our communities and what this world needs. Another interesting and beneficial experience was when we did the activity where we all lined up, and then an instructor read off an activity. If we liked that activity we would step forward. The part that made the experience so beneficial was to see how similar the students of McCluer North were to Lindbergh. Even though we all came from different backgrounds, schools, and communities we still were similar. That realization can be applied to not just ourselves but the world we live in. Yes, the people of America are different from the rest of the world, but if you look past the surface you can see how we really are all quite similar. That is what Rams Blitz was meant to do though, it wasn’t just meant to build young leaders, it was meant to open our eyes. Bob Marley once said “Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?” Rams Blitz pushed us to ask ourselves “Are you satisfied?” and most of us would answer no. So this program helped to not only bring out the leaders inside of us, it also helped us to open our eyes. The program taught us that we must unite as leaders, accept everyone for their differences, and strive to live a life with no regrets.

CarterAndersonLindbergh---Rams-BlitzCarter Anderson is in the 10th grade at Lindbergh High School. Carter submitted this blog post for the Rams Blitz Blog Competition.

To learn more about Rams Blitz, read Rams Blitz: Student Leaders Become Diversity Inclusion Champions by Nicole Woodie of the St. Louis Rams. Natalie Gibson, another finalist in the Rams Blitz Blog Competition, shared her experience in the blog titled, Rams Blitz: An Enjoyable, Memorable and Excellent Message.